Livestreaming Play the Game konference 26th - 29th of November
Play the Game 2017 will gather around 400 journalists, scientists and sport officials on the 26-30th of November in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Gense udsendelserne fra Play the Game 2017
Sunday 26 November 2017
14.00-15.15 Opening session part 1: Riding waves of change
15.45-18.15 Opening session part 2: Riding waves of change
20.00-21.45 Sexual abuse and how to prevent it
Monday 27 November 2017
09.00-11.45 International sport on trial: Which case for the prosecution?
11.50-13.00 Sports governance: Remedies in the remit of sport
14.15-16.00 Window undressing: Stories from international sport
16.30-18.30 Reform in sport: An inside job or an outside intervention?
Tuesday 28 November 2017
9.00-11.45 Sustainable mega-events: A distant dream?
11.50-13.00 Transforming the Business of Pro Cycling
14.15-16.00 Athletes and anti-doping: Privacy and participation
16.30-18.30 Which future for antidoping - if any?
Wednesday 29 November 2017
9.00-11.45 White collar crime in professional sport
11.50-13.00 Whistleblowers and journalists: The dangers of speaking up
14.15-16.00 Match-fixing: Are there remedies to fix it?
16.30-18.10 E-sport: Coming to stay - and to steal the picture?